26 rue de l’Arvière, Artemare 01510, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
The Artemare hydroelectric power plant exploits the Groin torrent. It houses two Francis turbines and develops a power of 4,500 kW.
- Intake altitude level: 361,75 NGF
- Restitution altitude level: 247.5 NGF
- Gross head: 114.25 m
- Maximum water flow taken: 5.5 m3/s
- Maximum gross power: 6164 kW
- Maximum electrical power: 4500 kW
- Average annual production: 11.4 GWh/year
A development that required patience, but was worth it
The thought of implementing a hydroelectric power plant on the Groin river by the Forces Motrices du Gelon dates back to the early 1980s.
After many steps, the Artemare power plant has been in operation since the end of 2006. It is equipped with two Francis turbines supplied by a 1,050-meter long pipeline.
This power plant develops a power of 4,500 kW, or 4.5 MW, and can produce approximately 11.4 GWh each year, or the equivalent of the consumption of approximately 3,000 households.

The Groin river
Originating from a Vauclusian-type resurgence and swollen by the waters of the Arvière, the Groin sees its average flow rates vary from 50 l/s at low water to more than 22 m3/s in high floods.
The average multi-annual flow (module) of the Groin at the water intake is 2.8 m3/s. The water withdrawal from the power station represents approximately 56% of the total water resource of the Groin: 44% therefore flows thanks to the ecoflow and the discharge.

Clean energy
To achieve this production, a thermal power plant would consume 980 tons of oil and release 979 tons of CO2 for the same amount of energy produced.