fmg de l eau a la lumiere

9 Power plants

35 GWh Annual production

11 MW Power capacity

10 000 Household: consumption equivalent

Our job: develop our production assets, produce a clean and sustainable energy.

FMG (Forces Motrices du Gelon) is a local operator in the development of local and sustainable hydroelectric energy, the first renewable electricity source in France.

Our expertise goes from the exploration of green field projects, technical studies, the administrative phases of obtaining the authorizations necessary for the developement of the selected sites, the construction or rehabilitation of facilities and the maintenance and operation of power stations.

FMG is also developing “agrivoltaics” solar farm projects, which combine sustainable energy production and agricultural activities.

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Energetic independence: a major concern

France’s overall energy dependency is assessed today at 47.6% (source: We Demain) onto countries whose stability is far from guaranteed. By 2050, our electricity needs are expected to increase by 30% by 2030. (source: France Hydroélectricité). By choosing to develop its hydroelectric potential, France has chosen a diversified and complementary energy mix to guarantee its autonomy and energy sovereignty. The “Programmation pluriannuelle de l’énergie (PPE)” – Multi-Year Energy Program – plans to develop 668 to 968 MW of additional renewable energy production capacity by the end of the decade. Small run-of -river hydroelectricity, like the structures designed and operated by FMG, is part of this national effort.

FMG: a relevant ecological choice

FMG’s hydroelectric facilities produce clean, renewable energy. It does not generate greenhouse gases and does not release any pollutants. Every drop of water taken for the operation of the facilities is returned back to the river. With more than 80% of the kinetic energy of water transformed into mechanical energy then into electric power, it is by far the most efficient method of producing electricity. Finally, hydroelectricity is the leading source of renewable energy in France: it is the ultimate ecological energy!

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Press coverage

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