Energy independence

Energy independence in France: an stake that needs to be addressed today

The second largest source of electricity production behind nuclear power, hydroelectricity is the leading source of renewable electricity in France. With approximately 25.7 GW installed in metropolitan France, the country has the second largest hydroelectric park in Europe. This power represents approximately 20% of the total installed electrical power. (source: Ministry of Ecology)

Micro hydroelectric power plants, such as those designed by FMG, provide approximately 2 GWh of energy in France.

FMG independance energetique de la france

Local energy

FMG is committed to local production, through its run-of-river hydroelectric facilities.

As an energy resource located throughout France, and particularly in mountain ranges, hydroelectricity is a flexible and predictable source of energy. The flow of watercourses and their variation due to seasonality are well-known data and meet the challenges of securing the network and variation in energy demand.

With their location near homes that are sometimes remoted or difficult to access, micro-power plants produce local energy, distributed in a short circuit.

Throughout history, the installation of electricity sources in the heart of territories has enabled economic development and, more generally, human progress.

fmg une energie locale auvergne rhone alpes

Optimal energy efficiency

FMG hydroelectric power plants display excellent efficiency. Between 80 and 90% of the kinetic energy of water is converted into electricity. The resource is thus exploited optimally. In addition, FMG power plants are automated and configured daily to adjust their power as finely as possible according to the flow of watercourses.

  • Automation capable of sending warning in the event of an anomaly before a breakdown occurs, quickly preventing in the event of a breakdown, or of alerting in the event of unusual natural events, such as a flood, or extreme temperatures.
  • Video surveillance of facilities
  • Local guarding and regular and systematic passage of technicians in the installations.

The data collected and analyzed allows constant improvements or innovations applied to new installations as well as to older ones.

fmg rendement energetique optimise centrales


Jeanine DUBIE, President of ANEM

Frédéric DAZY, EDF small hydro director

Ecology and respect for nature

Hydroelectricity, the local energy par excellence, allows territories to cover their energy needs, particularly in areas furthest from urban centers.

centrale hydroelectrique fmg notre dame des millieres 09