Le Moulin, 01540 Vonnas, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
The Vonnas power plant is located in the old Convert mill. It is equipped with two Francis turbines. The mill was built before the micro-power plant. The water now arrives in the mill (and now the power plant) by a covered inlet. The drop is 3 meters between upstream and downstream of the mill.
- Gross head: 3m
- Maximum water flow taken: 5 m3/s
- Maximum gross power: 147 kW
- Maximum electrical power: 100 kW
- Average annual production: 0.2 GWh/year
From Milling to Hydroelectricity
In the 18th century, the Moulin de Vonnas was important in the region. It probably belonged to the Seigneurie de Marmont. In 1790, a certain Claude Ricolle had it repaired. The Audras de Béost family owned it and had it operated by tenants. A prefectural decree of July 21, 1808, authorized its reconstruction. In 1855, a water regulation set the rights and charges of the owner and the operator. Mr. de Béost then had a spillway with discharge valves built.
This mill was completely destroyed by a fire in 1885 and was sold in 1887 with its outbuildings, land and meadows, to Mr. Agathange Convert. In 1925, the mill, which had passed to the sons of Agathange Convert, was connected to the hydroelectric power station of Neuville-sur-Ain, which was built by the latter. The mill received new developments: the fall of the Vavres mill was removed and added to that of the Vonnas mill. Its modern development allowed it to crush 250 to 400 quintals of grain per day.
After the Second World War, an oil mill was attached to it. Unfortunately, the mill was again destroyed by fire on May 3, 1957. Only the hydroelectric power station built in 1940 remains today. Currently, the power station is operated by the Forces Motrices du Gelon. The electricity produced is delivered to EDF.

Clean energy
The Vonnas hydroelectric power plant produces 0.2 GWh per year on average. A thermal power plant would consume 44 tons of oil and release 133 tons of CO2 to achieve the same production. A coal-fired power plant would release 167 tons of CO2 for the same energy produced. This is the equivalent of the domestic consumption of 67 individuals.

The Veyle, a plain river
The Veyle is a plain river. It rises at the Magneret pond in the commune of Chalamont and flows into the Saône 140 m lower and 67 km away. It drains a watershed of 670 km2. Its module is 6.81 m3/s at Bizat (downstream of Vonnas) after the confluence with the Renon.