Maison Convert

The term “Maison Convert” refers to all the entities of the family, past, present and future.

These entities are the companies:

  • Agathange Convert et ses fils (ACF), created in 1905. The purpose of the company was the operation of the Vonnas and Polliat mills and the trade of grains, flours and all related products.
  • Les fils de A. Convert, created in 1920;
  • Les Réseaux Électriques Convert (REC), created in 1939, and which became
  • Forces Motrices Convert (FMC) created in 1949, following the nationalization of electricity.
  • Électro-Chimie du Nickel (ECN), created in 1950;
  • Centrales Électriques Convert et Cie (CECC), created in 1958, operating the St Rémy de Maurienne power station, and which will be sold in 1986.
  • Forces Motrices du Gelon, created in 1965 to operate the Gelon power station in La Rochette.
FMG Bureaux de la societe ACF qui deviendra l actuel siege social FMG

Offices of the ACF company which will become the current FMG headquarters

FMG Le moulin de Vonnas acquis par Agathange Convert 1887

The Vonnas mill, acquired by Agathange Convert in 1887